Urge your Representative to Vote YES on Wildfire Bill
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Ask Your Member of Congress to Contact the Federal Housing Finance Agency to Stop Disruptive New Guidance
With inflation, legal system abuse, climate change, and several other factors converging, the cost of homeownership is at an all-time
New York: Oppose S.795/A.7138
Lawmakers are about to vote on a deceptively titled bill that will harm New York businesses and consumers and will
New Jersey: Oppose A 3986, Increasing Workers’ Comp Attorney Fees
NAMIC opposes A 3986, which would significantly increase the attorney fee cap in workers’ compensation lawsuits from 20 percent to
New Hampshire: Oppose SB 462, Wrongful Death Expansion
NAMIC opposes SB 462, which would increase caps on damages for wrongful death claims for the loss of consortium damages