The National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies is first and foremost an advocacy organization. The association’s work continues to support laws and regulations that protect and promote the opportunity for member companies to contribute to society through a financially sound, competitive, and ethical insurance industry.

NAMIC’s advocacy provides member companies a powerful voice in state, federal, and international policymaking. With a bipartisan team in Washington, D.C., and regional vice presidents active in all 50 states, NAMIC positively shapes the environments in which member companies conduct business and serve policyholders.

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Jimi Grande
Jimi Grande
Senior Vice President, Federal & Political Affairs
Erin Collins
Erin Collins
Senior Vice President, State & Policy Affairs
Andrew Kirkner Portrait
Andrew Kirkner
General Counsel
Kristin Eichhorn
Kristin Eichhorn
Assistant Vice President, Political Involvement Programs
Phillip Arnzen
Phillip Arnzen
Regional Vice President, Midwest
Brandon Browne
Political Affairs Coordinator
Brian Christenberry Headshot
Brian Christenberry
Regional Vice President, Great Lakes
bri dahl
Bri Dahl
Public Policy Analyst