Any property/casualty insurance company can participate by signing the signatory agreement, thereby becoming "signatory" to the arbitration service. Your company does not have to belong to NAMIC to become signatory.
NAS holds hearings seven times a year in different locations across the country.
Evidence of payment, denial or constructive denial, copies of any case law cited in your contentions, and your $130 filing fee must accompany any petition submitted to the NAMIC Arbitration Service. Please note that denial is not required for medical payment only cases.
Arbitration petitions may be deferred until all companion claims or suits not subject to arbitration, involving the same damages issues, have been resolved, where a party to the arbitration requests deferment in writing. A status report is due to NAS within the first year and every 180 days thereafter.
No, postmark dates are used to determine timeliness of responses to arbitration petitions.
Response deadlines are strictly enforced and any late answers will not be accepted. Any responses received after the deadline date will be returned in their entirety.
Yes, a one-time per case 30-day extension is available by contacting our office by letter, email, or fax. The extension request must be received prior to the original response deadline.
The NAMIC Arbitration Committee will reconsider and review cases only where a concept of law was erroneously applied or if a clerical error was made in preparing the written decision.
Non-signatory companies may petition the NAMIC Arbitration Service by agreement of both parties by using the Waiver of Non-Jurisdiction form.
Yes, invoicing is available through prior consent. Invoices are mailed on a monthly basis. The terms are 30 days.
Just notify us that you would be interested in participating in the NAMIC Arbitration Service and we will contact the appropriate personnel in your office.
Arbitration can be filed up to 60 days from the court’s dismissal date.
No. All signatory companies are listed individually. If a subsidiary is not listed, they are not signatory to the program, but may participate if both companies sign a Waiver of Non-Jurisdiction.
Once contacted, we send a courtesy letter and a second copy of the decision to the offending party. This usually results in payment. If not, the company is free to pursue other means of collection.
The respondent’s denial of liability or rejection of the amount of damages claimed must be included in the petitioner’s file. Subrogation notice from the opposing party is not sufficient to constitute denial. Constructive denial may be established where petitioner has sent two subrogation demands within 60 days. Respondent’s denial is not required in cases of medical payment only claims.
All companies, unless otherwise specified, are signatory to collision, medical payments where permitted by state law, and third-party contribution claims.