
Tom Karol represents NAMIC in Washington, D.C., on issues affecting property/casualty insurance companies and has primary management of NAMIC’s response to federal regulatory matters. He also works to ensure that federal legislation retains primary regulation of insurance at the state level.  He has been legal counsel at the Department of Justice, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Karol also worked in the U.S. House of Representatives and with the U.S. Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs.

Karol has extensive legal, regulatory, and operations experience with major financial services companies and law firms and was a leader in Deloitte’s global financial services practice as well as the supervisory principal for a broker dealer at a subsidiary of American Express. Karol has been the leader of NAMIC’s investment services practice. He is on the board of directors of the Highway Data Loss institute and the Advocates for Public Safety, a stakeholder in the Underwriters Laboratories standards an engagement safety development consensus, and a member of several federal advisory committees. Karol graduated from the University of Notre Dame Law School and has a political science degree from St. John Fisher University. He resides in Alexandria, Virginia, with his family.

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