NAMIC Political Action Committee (PAC) | FAQ


NAMIC PAC is the federal Political Action Committee (PAC) of the National Associational of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC). NAMIC PAC is one of the largest property/casualty corporate trade association political action committees (PAC) in America. NAMIC PAC supports your advocacy efforts by raising money to help elect and re-elect candidates to Congress and state government who support the public policy initiatives that our industry supports.

Funded by your personal, voluntary contributions, the PAC provides a powerful way for us to help government officials and elected leaders understand our issues, our needs, and our concerns to benefit our businesses, policyholders, and your bottom line.


Federal law prohibits corporate contributions to candidates for federal office (state laws vary on the use of corporate contributions to support state level candidates). Your personal contribution to NAMIC PAC creates NAMIC’s only opportunity to provide financial support to the political candidates that can support our policy objectives. NAMIC also needs NAMIC PAC to compete with special interest groups that contribute millions of dollars annually to promote laws that will adversely affect your company at the state, federal, and even international levels.

Why Should I Give To NAMIC PAC?

Every day elected officials – at all levels – make decisions that impact your policyholders, your employees, and your bottom line. Insurers need a voice. It is crucial that our industry’s voice is heard in Washington DC and around the country. Our policymakers need to be educated and informed about the potential benefits and consequences legislation could have on the property/casualty insurance industry. By participating in NAMIC PAC you’re joining with others in the industry and creating a strong, unified voice to impact the political process in our nation’s capital and in statehouses around the country.

How Are Contributions To Candidates Determined?

NAMIC PAC acts to aggregate and amplify the voice of our industry. It allows us to pool individual contributions to help elect and re-elect lawmakers who understand and listen to our industry’s concerns on the issues that directly impact our businesses and livelihood. NAMIC pays all administrative and solicitation costs for NAMIC PAC – so 100% of NAMIC PAC contributions go directly to supporting industry-friendly candidates.

The PAC is governed by a Board of Trustees, which is comprised of executives from a cross section of NAMIC’s membership. The Trustees work with NAMIC staff to promote political involvement, raise awareness for the PAC amongst the NAMIC membership and approve all disbursements to state and federal candidates.

To which candidates did the PAC contribute last cycle?

NAMIC PAC is committed to supporting bi-partisan candidates at the federal, state and local level who are supportive of our issues and will consider our views before casting a vote. To learn more about the PAC’s contributions and legislative successes, please click here for the PAC Cycle Report.

How Much Should I Give To NAMIC PAC?

Whether you’re new to NAMIC PAC or renewing your annual contribution, the maximum amount that an individual can contribute in a calendar year is $5,000. NAMIC PAC has a five different Club levels for your convenience and these suggested levels are merely guidelines and not required, any contribution to NAMIC PAC is accepted and appreciated. NAMIC PAC needs your help to protect what’s most important – your company and your policyholders – and to show that NAMIC members remain committed to seeing real change in Washington. With your support, NAMIC PAC will continue to be a powerful voice for you – so lawmakers will know that when we speak, they must listen. Keep in mind, small contribution amounts from many people add up to help our success.

Who can be solicited for the PAC?

Executive, managerial, or administrative personnel of a company may be solicited for and contribute to NAMIC PAC, assuming their company has provided prior authorization. These individuals, such as, corporate officers, executives, division managers, lawyers, etc., are paid on a salary rather than an hourly basis. They also are trusted with policymaking, managerial, professional, or supervisory responsibilities. Corporate directors may be solicited if they are stockholders or receive a regular salary or fee from the company. Any person, including employees who are stockholders, may be solicited, even if they are not executive or administrative personnel.

How can I be more involved in the PAC?

After you have contributed to the PAC, consider running a NAMIC PAC Campaign within your company. The best way to grow NAMIC PAC and ensure our voice is heard is to encourage others to join and get involved. Any dollar amount can have a significant impact. Before you begin your campaign, contact NAMIC PAC staff to walk you through the process. It’s that simple. Our staff will customize and provide you with all of the materials and resources you will need for a successful campaign.

If you have additional questions or would like more information about NAMIC PAC, how to participate or how to start a NAMIC PAC Campaign within your company, please contact Ingrid Cross at or (202) 580-6740.


Jimi Grande
Senior Vice President - Federal & Political Affairs



Kristin Eichhorn
Assistant Vice President – Political Involvement Programs



Ingrid Gremillion
PAC Manager

202.580.6740 x1207
