The House Science, Space, and Technology Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight will hold a hearing Feb. 29 on the dangers and risks electric vehicle fires posed to first responders across the country. Appearing as witnesses are the Fire Chief for San Bernadino County Fire Department as well as an individual representing Electrochemical Safety Research Institute at UL Research Institutes.

NAMIC will be keeping a close eye on this event as the property/casualty insurance industry continues to work through the impacts of EVs on the roadways. One of these key issues includes the risk of fires and the high cost of cleanup afterward. For more on EVs, check out NAMIC’s new policy white paper that covers several key factors when considering EVs, including the basic building blocks of the vehicles, complex repair procedures, and privacy/cybersecurity risks.

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Publish Date

February 26, 2024

News Type

  • Washington Weekly

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