Property/casualty insurance companies' senior management teams and boards of directors have the duty to systematically review and approve the investment objectives, strategies, and performance of their companies. The Property/Casualty Investment Performance Evaluation Standards (PIPES) Report is a tool for officers and directors to better understand these property/casualty investment objectives, strategies, and performance. The analysis procedures for property/casualty insurers in NAIC’s Financial Analysis Handbook specifically recommend that regulators compare insurers' distribution of invested assets and expenses to industry averages.
To benchmark properly, the subject and other investment portfolios should have similar asset classes, weights, quality, and time frames. While peer investment portfolios are widely acknowledged as the most relevant benchmark, research from the Insurance Asset Outsourcing Exchange finds that most property/casualty insurance companies do not possess the needed objective and complete data and analysis.
The PIPES Report is focused on property/casualty investment only and provides property/casualty companies with overall and peer data and analysis on the investment performance of property/casualty companies that are most comparable and relevant.
Report Available to Members
NAMIC is pleased to provide the objective benchmark as a member benefit for companies to use as part of their responsibility to monitor and maintain investment portfolios in support of their insurance commitments to policyholders.
The report data is reported to regulators and service companies by property/casualty insurance companies and provides benchmarking data on key attributes of property/casualty industry investment portfolios, including comparative data on:
- Investment Portfolio Assets;
- Investment Portfolio Composition;
- Overall Portfolio Investment Performance;
- Investment Performance by Asset Class;
- Fixed-Income Investment Asset Composition, Quality; and Maturity;
- Investment Expenses Overall and by Asset Class; and
- Portfolio Turnover Ratios.
Peer Comparison Report Now Available
As the PIPES Report sponsor, NEAM offers customized investment peer analysis reports for NAMIC members. Click below and fill out the form. There is no cost or obligation for NAMIC members.