While much of the March schedule for the House Financial Services Committee has not been officially posted, NAMIC has learned what general themes and topics are expected. Things will kick off the week of March 4 with Federal Research Chairman Jerome Powell appearing before the House Financial Services and the Senate Banking committees for his semiannual report to Congress. In addition, the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Monetary Policy will convene for a March 7 hearing titled “Politicized Financial Regulation and its Impact on Consumer Credit and Community Development.”

Looking ahead to the week of March 12, NAMIC anticipates the National Security Subcommittee and the Digital Assets Subcommittee to consider defense production and matters related to financial technology, respectively. A week later, the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee is expected to hold a field hearing in Tennessee focused on the Security and Exchange Commission’s controversial climate disclosure rule, which is reportedly set to advance in the coming days. It is also expected that the Capital Markets Subcommittee will hold a hearing that week in addition to the full committee gathering to examine international financial regulations.

Notably, there have not been any March events announced for the Housing and Insurance Subcommittee. NAMIC, meanwhile, will continue to engage with committee staff and relevant Capitol Hill offices on both the recently committee-passed Wildfire Insurance Coverage Study Act and the Insurance Data Protection Act, which should be advanced by the committee during its next markup event.

Post Details

Publish Date

March 4, 2024

News Type

  • Washington Weekly

Points of Contact
Patrick McCarty Headshot
Patrick McCarty
Federal Affairs Director