The Chair’s Award

Nomination Form

The following guidelines will assist you in naming the nominee of your choice:
  • Nominee’s accomplishments represent a broad, sustained (career) and/or significant positive impact on the property/casualty insurance industry.
  • Nominee cannot be a current member of the NAMIC Board of Directors.
Achievements which might be considered for nomination for The Chair’s Award include:
  • Service to a state, provincial, national or international insurance association or organization, to the property/casualty insurance industry in general, or to state, provincial or federal government in areas of insurance industry policy, for example:
    • Developed/established a valuable service program for NAMIC members.
    • Displayed leadership qualities through involvement with a NAMIC committee, task force, or through a national, international, state or provincial insurance trade association.
  • A strong supporter of the NAMIC organization, its member or goals who has worked through affiliated organizations.
  • Introduced or promoted innovations or expanded knowledge or commendable practice in the areas of underwriting, governance, law, claims, loss prevention, public relations, etc.
  • Noteworthy work in academia or industry related research.
  • Political contributions or action on a local, state, provincial or national level, in volunteer, elective or appointed positions.
  • Service to local, state, provincial or national civic, charitable or social service organizations such as United Way, Girl/Boy Scouts, Red Cross, American Cancer Society, etc.
The Chair Award Nominee Name(Required)
Max. file size: 128 MB.