Public Policy | Task Forces | Medicare Lien

Task Force Purpose – Examine and define the issue of Medicare recovery liens. The task force will determine the scope and impact of the liens as well as develop possible solutions to problems or concerns in both the legislative and regulatory space.

General Task Force Value Proposition – Allow NAMIC members to play a major role in determining the direction of advocacy to ensure staff is pursing solutions to issues with Medicare recovery liens that have been developed and advised by the membership.

General Task Force Responsibilities – The task force will help develop a better understanding of Medicare recovery liens and advise staff on the actions necessary to properly address the concerns of NAMIC membership. Specifically, the task force will:

Hold quarterly meetings to advise NAMIC staff on the vetting of the issue and develop an action plan to address the issue.

Assist in developing policy principles to guide NAMIC staff advocacy efforts.

Assist in developing policy language to present to congressional staff that will serve as the basis for legislation to address the issue.

Make recommendations to the Federal Affairs Committee regarding the adoption of both policy principles and policy language.


Andrew Pauley
Associate General Counsel



Anna Buhlinger
Federal Affairs Director

