Public Policy | Committees | Federal Affairs

Committee Purpose – Contribute to the association’s policymaking process by guiding and recommending the development of policy principles and positions on overall federal-level legislative, regulatory, and political issues.

General Committee Value Proposition – Enhance the impact of the association membership in the federal environment by developing awareness of membership policy needs and concerns, promoting membership interests, presenting association positions or proposals, and organizing membership influence on key decision-makers.

General Committee Responsibilities – The FAC will monitor, advise, communicate, and impact proactively federal legal, legislative, and regulatory issues affecting the property/casualty insurance industry. Specifically, the FAC will:

Monitor current and emerging issues at the federal level impacting the industry, determine the priority level, and promote membership awareness.

Make recommendations to the NAMIC Board of Directors and staff on association policies and practices that relate to federal public policy concerns, issues, and opportunities.

Oversee and guide an effective overall federal legislative and regulatory advocacy strategy for the association.

Foster NAMIC membership participation in, awareness of, and interest in federal issues with the potential to impact the industry.


Jimi Grande
Senior Vice President - Federal & Political Affairs



Kristin Eichhorn
Assistant Vice President – Political Involvement Programs



Patrick McCarty
Federal Affairs Manager

202.580.6747 x1211


Anna Buhlinger
Federal Affairs Director



Katherine Duveneck
Federal Affairs Director

317.875.5250 x1210


Alex Gleason
Assistant Vice President - Federal Affairs

