Our Positions | Storm Chasers

Following natural disasters around the country, residential roofing contractors, many of them transient out-of-state operations, migrate into affected states and apply high-pressure tactics on unsuspecting disaster victims. These so-called "storm scammers" often take advantage of vulnerable consumers trying to restore their lives following a disaster by promising to repair homes and deal with the insurance claims process for an upfront payment, only to disappear afterwards.

NAMIC Position

NAMIC supports state consumer protection laws requiring residential roofing contractors to have written contracts that spell out the scope of roofing services and the materials used, the dates of service, costs of services, and the roofer's contact information as well as information on the roofer's surety and liability coverage. NAMIC also supports laws prohibiting roofing contractors from offering any rebates on insurance deductibles, allowing consumers to rescind the contract within an allotted time and requiring any down payments be repaid within 10 days of the contract's cancellation. NAMIC supports NCOIL's Storm Chaser Consumer Protection model law.

NAMIC News on Storm Chasers


Erin Collins
Senior Vice President - State and Policy Affairs

